Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kill Manipulators With Kindness!

As if I don't see things coming before they happen, As if I just started breathing when you met me.....As if! Please. I wonder if game players stop to realize how obvious their game strategies are...or if these same strategies have been played before their arrival! I won't even allow you to know that I'M aware of them. You'll wind up hanging yourself. I've been there!

If nothing is new under the sun what makes what you are doing so original? It's been done before. Now ask yourself next time what motive does one have to allow me to do something to them they've seen before? You'd be surprised how the "innocent" will play along just to witness you relinquish control, fold under and start afresh to gain things the right way and not manipulate others to get ahead.

I can't believe people STILL think that they are in control! No matter what you do if God says it's going to be one way....that's how it will be. Adding your two cents only leaves room for your plans to be abolished and removed only for JESUS to take the WHEEL! LOL! You don't see that yet? Our jobs are to help you after you've done us wrong, lead by example and show you that there are some people you can't brake by being fickle in your ways.

We know where our love comes from so whatever you offer up will never be enough. Even after you come to yourself. Stubbornness, and haughtiness leads those to think they have the power to change things, yet they are powerless and they use others to get there. Some use charm an wit....others use scare tactics! Dude! I've met you before! Poor thing, you know not how crystal clear you are to me and others. But I will allow you to feel like you are getting over and I will still remain in there with you...and when my exit door comes. I'm out for good. I will never let you know I saw your BS a mile away! Your conscious will speak to you for me.

Crazy people think that their enchanting seductive intellectual approach towards what they want will land them on top every time, NOT. It is only time that will show us all Every-timE that our life is not our own and it belongs to God and the control we have is over the one body given to us not the people given to us. Your reign in power over any person is only temporary!

Okay, brother or sistah go ahead with your plans and see over time what part YOU'VE planned actually went though and what God for-spoke and for-saw for your life actually goes through. And when you meet these control freaks my friend that have blanked out overwhemled themselves by their God complex, just wait and watch as they treat you like tools to get them to their next level and THEN watch em' fall everytime. Been there too! You can't rob anything from those who are aware of themselves and the games people use to get ahead. You only make the people you try and use that much more aware OF your KIND (Enchanted Manipulator) and that much more sharper when you try TO play them.

Our kind (the aware) are open to users so that we learn how not to treat people. Our kind will love you when you are on top and when you fail and your partners in crime who encourage your reckless acts will only love you when the cookies are hot.... but only when there are crumbs left on the table they will move to the next table serving up the next batch of fresh hot cookies! And the people you tried to game saw those losers leaving you for next best thing before it happened. Actions reflect leadership.

I know who and what guides me and stepping on people for gain or just to watch their pain is stemmed for self-hatred and or a unwillingness to suffer and sacrifice in order to remain a honest person. God bless your soul and all those whom you prey on because the day you meet your match is the day your life will change forever. Not saying for bad or for worst but know we are accountable for everything we do. Sometimes when God tares down your plans and redirects you, you begin to strive for things that have meaning and your life then and only then will finally have purpose. So please for your own sake and happiness remove yourself and add God in then center of your agendas from now on. It's the only way. Your way will ruin things and set you back. Please believe. I know.

-Cecilia Ada

P.S. (In pegin) No go make it habit to play the AJO Nwoke na Wanye and vex ppl. It no be good ooo! You will come crashin down fast fast! You no go be in control now! You just make it hard for self.

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